Providing health care can be just a job. Writing prescriptions for diabetes medication, discussing the importance of diet and exercise, giving immunizations, and performing physical exams is similar in many practices in many parts of the world. First Choice Community Healthcare offers you the opportunity to be part of so much more.

Our Mission:

First Choice Community Healthcare is dedicated to improving the health, life skills and well-being of all members of the communities we serve.

Work where you are truly needed.
Team up with dedicated staff that come from the Community where you practice.
Share your knowledge and experience with Family Medicine residents, students of all kinds-NP, PA, MA, medical school, high school.
Join like-minded colleagues who value service, equity, communication, caring, and learning.
Expand your vision of health and wellness to include the Quintuple Aim-Team Wellness, Improved Patient-Care Experience, Financial Sustainability, Improved Population Health and Equity.
Learn about new cultures and life experiences.
Come and join us as we strive to help improve the health, life skills and well-being of all members of the communities we serve.

Family Practice Resident Education

Family medicine physicians interested in resident medical education have the unique opportunity to precept family medicine residents from the University of New Mexico. The South Valley clinic houses 12 residents at their site for the resident continuity clinic experience and preceptors are tasked with training and inspiring the next generation of family medicine physicians to enter future careers in underserved areas. Preceptors are expected to be evidence-based and experienced with pediatric care, obstetric care, substance use disorder care, routine outpatient procedures, and chronic disease care. The residency also offers the opportunity to use Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) while precepting, which is a unique feature of the South Valley precepting experience. There are also opportunities to present at resident schools, grand rounds at the University of New Mexico and publish scholarly articles in conjunction with the residency program. Applicants interested in resident faculty teaching and resident mentoring will find that First Choice is a great place to cultivate this skill.

Clinician Well-being

Professional fulfillment chart

Copyright © 2016 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University

First Choice Community Healthcare is committed to enhancing the culture of wellbeing and achieving and maintaining joy in practice. We have a Clinician Well-being Committee that includes wellness leaders at each clinical site and the Director of Medical Provider Well-being.

Our purpose is to
  • Recognize the impact of burnout on the healthcare team.
  • Cultivate local site wellbeing by supporting and advocating for providers and staff by addressing burnout and conditions that create it.
  • Reduce burnout and improve the practice environment by:
    • measuring wellness and the predictors of burnout longitudinally.
    • innovating and designing custom interventions that meet the needs of both individual staff members, providers, teams, and the organization as a whole.
  • Foster enhancing organizational culture toward affirmational qualities, including participatory leadership, professionalism, equity and fairness, mutual respect, service, continuous learning, and an attitude of caring for self and others.

Wellness And Residents

All UNM Family and Community Medicine residents are eligible to devote a 4-week elective rotation to Wellness.

State And Federal Loan Repayment Assistance

First Choice is happy to assist our eligible health professionals with application for state and/or federal loan repayment or scholarship service obligation programs.  As a Federally Qualified Health Center system, we have excellent experience in appropriately incorporating health professional recruitment and retention incentives into our overall health professional compensation package.  Should you be interested, please don’t hesitate to contact the Chief Operations Officer, at (505) 873-7400.