National Health Center Week!

National Health Center Week is an annual celebration during which Community Health Centers increase awareness of the health needs in communities and advocate for Community Health Center funding and policies. This year, National Health Center Week will be held from August 6-12 with the theme, “The Roadmap to a Stronger America”.
First Choice Community Healthcare serves as a beacon of strength, service, and care in our community. In moments of pain and loss, Community Health Centers offer support and love. In moments of triumph, they offer hope and a vision for the future. National Health Center Week is an opportunity to highlight the commitment and passion of our staff, board members, and supporters who make it possible to provide quality, comprehensive healthcare services to our patients.
August 6th | Public Health in Housing
Community Health Centers partner with organizations committed to providing access to safe, affordable housing. Safe housing = stronger health! 💪❤️
Los Centros de Salud se asocian con organizaciones comprometidas a brindar acceso a viviendas seguras y asequibles. Vivienda segura = salud más fuerte! 💪❤️
August 7th | Healthcare for People Experiencing Homelessness
People who are unhoused are our neighbors. Community Health Centers’ mission to increase access to affordable, quality care for everyone!
Las personas sin hogar son nuestros vecinos. La misión de los Centros Comunitarios de Salud es aumentar el acceso a una atención asequible y de calidad para todos = TODOS! 👥
August 8th | Agricultural Worker Health
Do you wonder how the food 🍊🌽 on your table gets there? Agricultural workers across the country work and live in exhausting conditions to provide for our collective well-being.
¿Te preguntas cómo llega la comida a tu mesa🍊🌽? Los trabajadores agrícolas de todo el país trabajan y viven en condiciones agotadoras para brindar nuestro bienestar colectivo.
August 9th | Patient Appreciation
Health centers’ care is innovative & culturally relevant as patients make up 5️⃣1️⃣% of our governing boards. We are grateful for our patients & their commitment to the health center mission: increasing affordable, equitable access to high quality care. 🏩
La atención de los centros de salud es innovadora y culturalmente relevante porque los pacientes representan el 5️⃣1️⃣% de nuestras juntas directivas.
August 10th | Stakeholder Appreciation
Community Health Centers partnered 🤝 with Congress to increase access to high-quality affordable care for 5️⃣0️⃣+ years. Thank you elected officials, vendors, & small businesses supporting us in serving our neighbors in medically-underserved communities.
Los Centros Comunitarios de Salud se han asociado con el Congreso 🤝 para aumentar el acceso a una atención asequible de alta calidad durante más de 5️⃣0️⃣ años. Gracias a todos los funcionarios electos, proveedores y pequeñas empresas que nos apoyan para servir a nuestros vecinos en comunidades médicamente desatendidas.
August 11th | Health Center Staff Appreciation
Without amazing staff who build trusted relationships with patients and move mountains to innovatively serve their communities, Community Health Centers could not care for 3️⃣0️⃣+ million patients nationwide.
Sin el increíble personal que construye relaciones de confianza con los pacientes y mueve montañas para servir de manera innovadora a sus comunidades, los Centros Comunitarios de Salud no podrían atender a más de 3️⃣0️⃣+ millones de pacientes en todo el país. ¡Hoy y
August 12th | Children’s Health Day
Children are our future AND present. Community Health Centers are committed to ensuring safe and healthy starts for ALL children.🚼
Los niños son nuestro futuro… Y nuestro presente. Los Centros Comunitarios de Salud están comprometidos a garantizar comienzos seguros y saludables para todos los niños de nuestras comunidades. 🚼
(505) 873-7400
2001 Centro Familiar, SW
Albuquerque, NM 87105